Title: Hard wind, durum wheat, the island of Ven, Skåne.
Year: 2020
Artist: Göran Sörensson
Size: 50 x 50 cm
Edition: 1/7
HARD WIND, DURUM WHEAT, THE ISLAND OF VEN, SKÅNE. I spent one month on the island of Ven with my wife Barbara in the summer 2020. One of my projects was to catch the soul of the landscape of this beautiful island which resulted in a series of three pictures: Love, belief and hope. One of these pictures is a part of this exhibition.
GÖRAN SÖRENSSON started to be interested in photography when he was 10 years old joining his uncle in the darkroom where he developed photos on families and nudes. He soon became an enthusiastic teenage photographer and at the age of 13 he arranged a darkroom in the bathroom of my family’s apartment. He took his bike and cycled around Malmö taking pictures of social and political events and tried to sell my picture to various newspapers. When he was 16 he wanted to attend the School of Photography ’Christer Strömholm’ in Stockholm but never did! Instead, he has been working as a pedagog and therapist all his life.
But, under all these years his passion for photography was alive and now 68 years old he can completely dedicate himself to this amazing, creative play.